Recently I received a very insightful email from one of my subscribers in response to an email that I’d sent which mentioned “taking away” rewards from children who contravene the agreements made when establishing behavior contracts. The paraphrased version of the email sent to me by this subscriber, let’s call her Ms X (Hello Ms … Read More
Parenting: The Job of a Lifetime!
Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs and also one of the biggest responsibilities one can have. Being the best parent that we can be, starts with the desire to be the best parent possible.
Positive Parenting
Positive parenting can be described as raising our children in a positive and supportive family environment, full of positive reinforcement, encouragement and yes, positive discipline. It’s about raising self-sufficient, independent and responsible kids.
How to look for the good behavior in our children
Why do most parents notice their child’s bad behavior long before noticing their good behavior? If we can change this up, we can bring about less bad behavior, more good behavior, and a greater level of self esteem in our children.
Timeout For Children
It seems that the use of timeout for disciplining children has become an “in vogue” parenting method, particularly over the last five to ten years. Actually I believe that the timeout method has been with us for much, much longer.
Observational Learning
Observational Learning takes place automatically. Good or bad, children will learn from the example they witness, particularly from those closest to them. As a parent, your behavior will be the most influential example your child has, particularly while they are younger. Make it a good, strong and positive example.
Effective Positive Reinforcement
The strategy of positive reinforcement is simply to utilize the associations children learn between behaviors and consequences to shape behavior. We provide our children with pleasant consequences for engaging in desired behavior.
Rewarding Children Vs Bribing Children
It’s useful to think of bribing children as essentially rewarding them for something BEFORE they have delivered. While rewarding children should be based on your child being rewarded AFTER they have met their obligations.
Behavior Modification Techniques
Behavior modification is an easy concept to grasp, but it tends to be much more difficult to actually put the techniques into practice. Examples of behavior modification techniques include timeout, positive reinforcement, modeling, positive discipline and loss of privileges.
Praising Children Positively
Praising children is a very powerful way to validate their efforts and successes. However not all praise is created equal. Often parents can “over” praise, or use praise ineffectively, which in turn can diminish it’s power. Here you will find some useful tips on praising children appropriately and positively.